Should you choose specialists or generalists when hiring marketers?

How do you hire a marketer when you’re not a marketer yourself? 👩‍💻

When hiring your marketing team, it’s essential to ask yourself whether you’re looking for a generalist or a specialist in marketing. 👩‍🚀 👷‍♀️ However, I would avoid marketers who say they’re an expert in all things marketing. One person can’t be a specialist in everything. 🤸‍♂️

Just like doctors, a surgeon can’t also be a specialist in paediatrics and dermatology. 👩‍⚕️ Ok, maybe there are some exceptions.... But you get my point, it’s important to have realistic expectations of what a generalist can actually do. ✅

When you’re working with a lean marketing team, it’s better to hire generalists and only start adding specialists once you start expanding your headcount. 📈 When hiring your generalists, hire T-shaped marketers. ⚡

What is a T-shaped marketer? They’re generalists, as they know a bit about everything, be it product marketing, demand generation and some design skills, however, they have a specialty within one given field only. 🤓 That way as you grow your team and start hiring specialists, you already have one of them hired! 👏


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